This country's score has worsened since 2014.
Enforcement Mechanisms
However, the umbrella legislation, the Agriculture Policy Law, is also relevant to this Indicator. This law does not include sanctions for the breach of Normative Instructions which focus on farms.
Key Recommendations
1997 when the Supreme Court ruled in favour of a ban on the Farra do Boi, a traditional fiesta involving the torture and killing of dozens of bulls/oxen in communities in the southern state of Santa Catarina. The Supreme Court found that ‘although it is the duty of the State to guarantee to all people the expression of cultural rights, cultural expressions have to conform to the constitutional rule of the article 225, which forbid any practice that submits animals to cruelty. Therefore, the event called “the Oxen Festival” violates the aforementioned constitutional rule.’
Enforcement Mechanisms
Key Recommendations
Decree No. 30,691 of 1952 on the Regulation of Industrial and Health Inspection of Animal Products mandates that the industrial facility is held accountable for promoting the welfare of animals from arrival until the time they are slaughtered. The Decree also defines penalties for those who do not comply with this and other requirements.
Rearing - pigs
Rearing - broiler chickens
Rearing - egg-laying hens
Rearing - dairy cattle and calves
A lack of political will and corporate interests are the main challenges that prevent improvements in animal welfare in Brazil. In particular, some producer associations (such as ABPA, ABEG), CNA (Confederação Nacional da Agricultura) and some food industries (mainly Coops) work against animal welfare. Such lobbying activities create barriers towards the work of MAPA to improve animal welfare.
Enforcement Mechanisms
The Federal Inspection Service is responsible for verifying that slaughterhouses are applying the law and carries out random inspections and review of records.
Key Recommendations
Private keeping of wild animals
Fur farming
In Brazil, there is a difference between a private keeper (there is legislation to determine whether a person can hold an animal, but no legislative requirements with regards to welfare) and an official wildlife keeper, allowed by the Administrative Act No. 108 of 1994, which contains a few welfare elements. However, the welfare of wild animals can never be optimum in captivity. Permitting the rearing and breeding of wild animals for commercial purposes fuels the exotic pet trade. The Positive Lists of Brazil should focus on which domestic animals can be kept as companion animals, rather than listing wild species.
Enforcement Mechanisms
Private keepers of wild animals must file an annual report and may be subject to inspections and have their permission to keep animals removed or cancelled at any time if they are found to be in breach of any requirements.
Key Recommendations
Care of companion animals
Stray animals
Enforcement Mechanisms
Key Recommendations
Animals used for entertainment
Article 32 of the 1998 Environmental Crimes Law 9,605/98 provides general protection for animals used for draught and recreation purposes as it prohibits ‘practice abuse, mistreatment, injury or mutilate wild, domestic or domesticated animals, native or exotic.’
In 2006, federal Law No. 7,291, 2006 provides for the registration of circuses before the Federal Government and the use of animals of Brazilian and exotic wildlife in circus activity.
Draught animals
Enforcement Mechanisms
Key Recommendations
Enforcement Mechanisms
Key Recommendations
i) the feasibility of the activity;
ii) whether the targeted species is endangered;
iii) whether the activity has a detrimental environmental impact and can be monitored.
Ordinance No. 117 of 15th October 1997 requires registration with the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Renewable Resources (IBAMA) by entities wishing to participate in businesses related to the processing of animals, parts, products and by-products. Permission may be granted for many species, including protected species in certain circumstances. Article 10 provides that live animals of Brazilian wildlife may be sold by commercial breeders, zoos duly registered with the Institute and legal persons to initiate commercial or conservation activities, including regarding the keeping of such animals as pets subject to various provisions including requirements of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Enforcement Mechanisms
Key Recommendations
Responsibility for improving animal protection has been assigned by the Government to relevant Ministries. According to Decree 8,852 of 2016, attributions on the welfare of animals used for production are responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA). This responsibility is shared between the Agricultural Defence Secretariats for what concerns inspections, and by the Social Mobility Secretariat of the Rural Producer and Cooperativism in the case of development. Both secretariats work jointly on the standardisation of animal welfare.
Resources have been assigned by MAPA to promote animal welfare. For example, one project highlighted on its website was aimed at improving the welfare of cattle during transport under Project Notice 40/2008, for which the amount of resources assigned was reportedly R$9,980,000.
From information provided by the Government of Brazil to World Animal Protection, MAPA is seeking to reactivate the Permanent Technical Committee on Animal Welfare (CTBEA), as MAPA understands that animal welfare is a cross-cutting theme, involving various administrative units of the Ministry) and essential for the viability of the production chains.
Furthermore, MAPA’s sectors have constant dialogue with the Productive Chain Sector Chambers, which are the fora established by MAPA to dialogue with the productive sector. The normative proposals are built by working groups involving representatives of the interested sectors. MAPA also has a work plan that seeks to meet the priorities of supply chains and focus on those that present the greatest challenges for animal welfare.
The National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation oversees the issue of animal experimentation. However, at the time of writing, it is unsure whether this Council still exists.
The Ministry of the Environment oversees issues concerning wild animals and its division, the Brazilian Institute for Environmental and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), is the relevant federal administrative agency responsible for policing and enforcing of federal environmental laws. The Ministry of Environment works throughout the country with partners, for example, with agencies such as Interpol and local police on issues such as illegal wildlife trade. However, seeing recent Decree 9962/2019, there might be ongoing changes at government level with regards to responsibility for animal welfare.
Although individual responsibilities within the Government regarding aspects of animal protection are clear, the Government has not put into place an overall strategy for improving animal welfare. Additionally, the Government has not appointed an individual with overall responsibility for improving animal welfare nationally. The lack of resources at different levels of government and in municipalities may be a barrier to improving animal welfare. These resources would include the availability of trained personnel and funding.
However, with the election of Jair Bolsonaro as President of Brazil in October 2018, it is likely that resources and responsibilities for animal welfare at government level will be decreased. During his electoral campaign, Bolsonaro stated that he wanted to scrap the Ministry of Environment, to combine it with the Ministry of Agriculture. Animal welfare is currently handled by various Ministries. Animal welfare is institutionalised in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA) through regulations, policies and committees dedicated to the subject. The Ministry of the Environment oversees issues concerning wild animals, although animal welfare is not an institutionalised subject within this Ministry.
Enforcement Mechanisms
The responsibilities of the relevant government bodies are mandated in legislation.
Key Recommendations
• The Government of Brazil is strongly encouraged to develop an overall strategy that identifies priorities for action and sets goals by which progress can be measured. The Government of Brazil is encouraged to create a multi-stakeholder committee in order to effectively engage all actors involved in maintaining the well-being of animals and to find solutions for welfare concerns. This committee would guide the country’s policies and strategies on animal welfare, in line with international standards. This committee should include representatives of animal welfare organisations.
• Furthermore, the Government of Brazil is urged to allocate consistent financial resources to ensure that higher standards of animal welfare are achieved and maintained.